

Whitelists are meant to instruct naxsi to ignore specific patterns in specific context(s) to avoid false positives. ie. Allow the ‘ character in the field named term at url /search : BasicRule wl:1013 "mz:$ARGS_VAR:term|$URL:/search";

Whitelists can be present at location level (BasicRule) or at http level (MainRule). Whitelists have the following syntax :


Everything must be quoted with double quotes, except the wl part.

Whitelisted ID (wl:…)

Which rule ID(s) are whitelisted. Possible syntax are:


note: you can’t mix negative and positive ID(s) in whitelists

MatchZone (mz:…)

Please refer to Match Zones for details.

mz is the match-zone, specifying in which part(s) of the request the specified ID(s) must be ignored.

In whitelist context, all conditions specificied in the mz must be satisfied :

BasicRule wl:4242 "mz:$ARGS_VAR:foo|$URL:/x";

ignore id 4242 in GET var named foo only on URL /x

As for rules, $URL* in match-zone is not enough to specify the target zone.


$URL_X:/foo|$ARGS_VAR:bar : WRONG
$URL_X:^/foo$|$ARGS_VAR_X:^bar$ : GOOD

You can also whitelist by IP/CIDR and all the rules will not be blocked for these ips but logs will be generated. For more details look here: IgnoreIP and IgnoreCIDR