
Match Zones

Match Zones mz are present in rules and whitelists. It is used to specify where a pattern should be searched (rules) or where it should be allowed (whitelist). Please note that matchzones behave a bit differently in rules and whitelists : In rules each condition is OR (ie. in BODY or in HEADERS), while in whitelist it’s AND (ie. url must be /foo and exception must happen in ARGS)

Global Zones

4 main zones exist : URL, ARGS, HEADERS, BODY, and matchzone can be more or less restrictive.

A mz can be wide :

Or more specific :

Sometime, regular expressions are needed (ie. variable names can vary) :

A matchzone can be restricted to a specific URL : (but is not a zone on its own)

A matchzone that targets BODY,HEADERS,ARGS can add |NAME to specify the target is not the content of a variable, but its name itself.

It is useful in specific contexts (ie. whitelist [ ] in form var names on url /foo)

BasicRule id:1310,1311 "mz:$URL:/foo|BODY|NAME";

more specific, match-zones :

Match Zone

A matchzone is a combination of one or several zone with an optional url.

In most situations, variable name and url can be predicted, and a static mz can be created :


When regular expressions are needed :


note: You CANNOT mix regex ($URL_X) and static ($ARGS_VAR) in a rule.

$URL and $URL_X are only used to restrict the scope of a matchzone, and are not specifying the zone.

Whitelists matchzones

In whitelist context, all conditions must be satisfied :

BasicRule wl:X "mz:$ARGS_VAR:foo|$URL:/bar";
id X is whitelisted in GET variable ‘foo’ on URL ‘/bar’

Rules matchzones

In rules context, $URL or $URL_X must be satisfied if present. Any other condition is treated as OR (opposite to whitelists).

BasicRule str:Y id:X "mz:ARGS|BODY"; pattern ‘Y’ will be matched against *any* GET and POST arguements

BasicRule str:Y id:X "mz:ARGS|BODY|$URL:/foo"; pattern ‘Y’ will be matched against *any* GET and POST arguements as long as URL is /foo

Regex vs String

Matchzones composed of static ($*_VAR: $URL:) matchzones are stored in hashtables, and thus optimal. Regex matchzones ($*_VAR_X: $URL_X:) require more runtime processing. It is not possible to mix static and regex matchzone in a same rule/whitelist : mz:$ARGS_VAR_X:^foo$|$URL:/x or mz:$URL_X:/foo|$ARGS_VAR:x are wrong.