
Naxsi Whitelist

A Naxsi whitelist is a matchzone which negates one or multiple rules via their ids.

A whitelist is defined by MainRule or BasicRule directive like for rules, one or multiple ids (comma separated) and optionally a matchzone.

Example of rule:

MainRule wl:12345,3333 "mz:URL";
BasicRule wl:67890 "mz:ARGS|BODY";

You can also whitelist by IP/CIDR and all the rules will not be blocked for these IPs but logs will be generated. For more details look at IgnoreIP and IgnoreCIDR directives.

MainRule and BasicRule directives

As explained in the directives chapter we can have 2 kinds of whitelists:

These two directives are mandatory to define whitelist.

Whitelist Ids

The whitelist identifiers are used to define which rules to whitelist; the ids are comma separated and identifies follows the format wl:<number>, for example wl:12345,78894.

ℹ️ Info

It is possible to use define a whitelist with a negative id; when defined the whitelist will match all the rules (> 999), excepting the rule whitelisted.


📣 Important

It is not possible to mix negative and positive ids in one whitelist.


Matchzones defines where a whitelist should apply for each given id.

📣 Important

This parameter is optional; when not defined the rule is never applied.

For more information and review its format, refer to the Matchzones chapter.

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